Join the Bagua Online Training Program:

Learn The practice of circle walking.

Our Mission

Join The Future:

Robert Jay Arnold began his training in martial arts at the age of four because of his father’s request as a defense for a dangerous environment. After training various arts for twenty years, (muay thai, boxing, taekwondo, ninjutsu, grappling, Jeet Kun Do etc.) he learned Chinese in order to further his understanding of martial arts. He moved to Taiwan and trained Bagua with Wu Guo Zheng for ten years, before becoming the 6th generation successor and American representative of the sacred art.

The Next Step – is to take this training to the next level and create access for all willing to learn.

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Our first two seasons cover the “12 Steps of Power”, which teaches to relax the body in order to alleviate problems from old injuries, aches and pains.They will also learn how to generate power  throughout the body utilizing Bagua mechanics.


Season 3 is currently ongoing and available as content is being weekly released. Join today and begin your journey with us. 

My Mission

For around two hundred years our lineage,

Warfox Bagua (Jin Yuan Bagua Association), has been practiced and passed to the next generation. Not only is it excellent for Self-defense and health, but acts as an enhancement for daily life.

My mission is to:

  • Give students healthy and strong lifestyles that will invigorate their daily routine.
  • Make people safer against possible dangers in an increasingly unstable society.
  • Help pass on the ancient teachings of the bodyguards and special forces of the Imperial Palace of Su, entrusted to me by my master, Wu Guo Zheng,

The reality is that everyone needs it not because of the mere physical components, but because it helps us reach the ultimate goal of peace. Practicing intricate movements helps us be able to see all things more intricately. Male, female, young, old, sick or healthy, Bagua is for you.

Our Future

It Begins With You

The reality is that everyone needs it not because of the mere physical components,

but because it helps us reach the ultimate goal of peace. Practicing intricate movements helps us be able to see all things more intricately. Male, female, young, old, sick or healthy, Bagua is for you.